CGA works to establish the viability of the space that wraps around clients’ headquarters, research facilities and hospitality centers. Our clients benefit from our primary ethic: to advance the integration of robust business practices with healthy internal environments that support productivity.
CGA is focused on helping to capture the intention of a wide range of clients as to the natural environment they wish to support and ultimately enhance. We are committed to establishing a range of understandings that over time have resulted in improvement to the structures that frame our world.
CGA creates internal space within appealing structures designed to support families that care. Our CGA “Living Smart” model is the center-piece of all CGA green residences. Through a hands-on creative approach, each individual client is a participant in project development, resulting in a home focused on owner’s advanced lifestyle.
CGA is affiliated with Leaders world-wide, responsible for a wide array of industries and disciplines, from science to telecom, hospitality to education. CGA Allies share a common passion for working in environments that amplify their natural ability to create.
CGA is dedicated to anticipating the diverse needs of our clients, who are leaders in industry, hospitality and the owners of notable homes. All CGA projects begin with a study of what our clients perceive, want, and need. Our clients are the beneficiaries of our pioneering work into structures that incorporate green building concepts, offering healthy indoor environments, supported by advanced energy efficiency.
CGA supports the growing need of our clients to reach across the miles, to tie together the creative efforts of like-minded individuals in demanding high quality solutions centered on environment-protecting structure. Now, after 25 years, our clients have begun to form a living grid worldwide, ready to share the next level of innovation.